by Tracy Minnec | Aug 28, 2020 | Blog
My father was a United States Marine, Vietnam Veteran, business owner, and just one hell of a guy that had been through and accomplished so much in his life! Therefore, my leadership training started at a young age – Let us just say the words...
by Tracy Minnec | Aug 18, 2020 | Blog
Do you ever get so overwhelmed that you just freeze? Ever feel like you are in a rowboat pulling your oars to a specific shore but are not getting there? Maybe you’re not moving because you do not know which direction to go? Perhaps you are presently moored on...
by Tracy Minnec | Jul 8, 2020 | Blog
Hey, how are you doing out there?! If you are personally feeling drained and restless because all the outer turmoil you are experiencing is now becoming inner turmoil you are not alone. To all you leaders out there – you beacons of light that people turn to in...
by Tracy Minnec | Dec 3, 2019 | Blog
Another Thanksgiving has come and gone and many are preparing for the Christmas holiday season – some with great happiness and some with trepidation. Thanksgiving, a holiday which I have always believed has never gotten the attention it deserves because it falls...
by Tracy Minnec | Oct 16, 2019 | Blog
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we stayed in our lane, liked each other, supported and encouraged each other, felt confidence in our leadership team, and did what was best for the team and the organization? So, why is it that difficult people seem to block that path...
by Tracy Minnec | Dec 17, 2018 | Blog
Growing up in a time when the songs on the radio reflected the general confusion of the next generations’ role in the world, one song sticks with me – Greatest Love of All, by Whitney Houston. Not only because I heard it played continuously to a point of total...